My philosophy

Are you frustrated with disempowering, ‘band-aid’ healthcare that fails to address root cause issues?

I take the exact opposite approach, providing you with preventative, empowering, regenerative care designed around all of who you are and your goals.

I believe that you are innately well, and that the issues we face are largely the result of living in ways that are discordant with our biological programming and the rhythms for which we have adapted for thousands of years.

When we learn to listen and adjust to the body’s cues, we can harness the incredible regenerative power of the miraculous self-healing machines we call cells; only then will we secure true health, vitality and longevity.

This is why I carefully curate highly personalized, incredibly effective, biologically-informed Wellness Plans each individual client, and teach them to align with their innate biology and chosen environment.

You already have everything you need in your unique biology to look, feel and perform your best; my skill is in helping you optimize what nature gave you so you can live your best life.


  • I do not believe in band-aid approaches that simply treat a symptom or illness, but in treating the whole human system to get under the root of the problem.

  • I aim for ‘optimal health’ rather than simply disease prevention. This has many implications, but for instance, it means that my standards for blood work and labs are different from mainstream medicine because standard references range are designed around “pathological” numbers rather than optimal ones. We work with this frame of mind to get your to optimal health.

  • I do not promote use of expensive or addictive pharmaceutical drugs or gadgets (unless absolutely necessary). Many of my most effective, life-changing recommendations are free and accessible to anyone.

  • My goal is to for you to feel results immediately, and to work with you in as few sessions as possible to get you on track, while thoroughly meeting your needs. This is not the sort of “therapy” that demands ongoing time, energy and financial investment.

  • Every human is uniquely coded - I will help you discover your code and teach you how to navigate your health for the rest of your life: I explain how your body works, what it needs and all of my recommendations for you. Independence and empowerment is key - I want you to continue to thrive long after we finish our work together!


Leading edge health: what we learned in 2020


What is integrative lifestyle medicine?