Her truly unique approach to health consulting and cutting-edge ability to guide & counsel her clients on an individual basis sets her a cut above.

Dr Evanglos Papoutsis



Dr David Tusek
MD, Director Cloud Medical

Being in the presence of Dr. Mary Pines is a gift. Her approach draws from the true resonant frequency of health and healing. 

As we transition from a healthcare system based on the model of pathogenesis (the basis of disease) to one which also incorporates and emphasizes saludogenesis (the basis of health), we’re increasingly aware of our need for experts and guides who hold deep wisdom and skill in helping us tap into our own innate healing capacities.

They will not only be experts in multidisciplinary ways of knowing, sense-making, and evidence-based inquiry, they will also be leaders by example - authentic pioneers who have, through their own journeys, discovered the deepest insights that come only from direct experience. They will empower the healthiest versions of ourselves

Mary is such a guide. To work with her is to work beyond the bounds of conventional.

Dr. Evangelos Papoutsis,
Biological Dentist, DDS

I’ve known Dr. Pines for over 10 years. Her zest for life and her relentless passion to pursue all aspects of health and wellness are beyond compare. 

As an Integrative Health Consultant, she draws from her background in cell biology and neuroscience, with degrees in molecular & development biology, as well as her extensive knowledge of diet, nutrition & exercise.

Her truly unique approach to health coaching and cutting-edge ability to guide & counsel her clients on an individual basis sets her a cut above.

From personal experience, I would highly recommend Dr. Pines’ mentorship for anyone looking to increase their mental, emotional & physical well being.

Jennifer Field
Nutritionist, Teacher, Facilitator & Retreat Owner

Dr Mary Pines is deeply passionate about holistic and scientific approaches to wellbeing, through which she inspires others to investigate and explore the possibilities and practical steps for accessing their own innate wellness. 

Her customized approach is grounded in a compassionate, no-nonsense style that elicits easeful rapport and trust.

Mary’s natural abilities in deep listening and non-invasive ways of observing the whole being - body, mind and soul - are gifts in themselves.

Having multiple tools to support and reflect, be it through nutrition and supplementation or coaching to help clear unconscious blocks, Mary works with you in a way that works for you.


“I came to Mary feeling helpless and not sure I’d ever find someone who could help me with my insomnia, which I’ve struggled with for 12 years. After working with her for a month, I’ve not only been sleeping better but actually slept straight through a full night recently. That hasn’t happened in 5 years.

On top of helping me sleep, Mary has opened up an entire new path for me to optimize my health in every facet. And that is, in fact, how she helped me sleep better: by looking at the entire picture of my current state of health and all of my life patterns.

Mary is, by far, the most comprehensive, intelligent, friendly health optimization practitioner I’ve ever worked with, and there have been many. I can’t recommend her highly enough.”

Forest Linden

Business Coach & Company Founder, Elite Cyclist. Boulder, CO, USA

“I didn’t think that I needed a doctor, I considered myself really healthy, and rarely did I ever visit a doctor, then I was introduced to Dr Mary - WOW was I ever wrong!!!

The poor sleeping habits, the regular night-time heartburn, the weight gain which I put down to Covid, to name just a few of the conditions that I thought were not such a big deal, were conditions which Dr Mary has very quickly and completely eliminated, and I feel fantastic!

Her scientific approach to health – and just to be clear there are no chemical drugs in her bag! – is a proactive, natural approach, combined with lifestyle, exercise and diet!

She is attentive, very likeable and constant in her delivery, I now understand why I am who I am and what makes me tick, I have found the process fascinating and understandable.

I made sure that she is now working with my entire family!”

Maggi Thornhill

Award-winning Realtor & Entrepreneur. Whistler, BC, Canada.

“Western medicine can leave me feeling unsupported, and has failed to address my issues.

Seeing any single practitioner can’t address my nutritional or other needs to the depth I require, the depths to which Mary works.

Working with Mary means having access to information not readily available to most people. Her passion for science, biohacking, nutrition, human optimization and so much more has given her the edge in addressing deep underlying issues that other medical approaches would never have uncovered. Hers is the most thorough method of addressing one’s whole health, in a holistic and fully supportive way.

Above all, Mary is incomparably dynamic: most people don’t have access or insight into the newest science and health trends, nor would they be able to decipher their legitimacy or utility. However, Mary uses her extensive education and experience to filter and distill the exact information required to create systems which can help anybody.

Her thorough, all-encompassing approach incorporates all of the elements needed to create a successful path to optimal health, incorporating the right balance of discipline, flexibility, independence and so much more.”

Isabelle Bailey

CEO & Company Founder, Serial Entrepreneur, Mother. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

“Dr Pines is providing me a much, much better awareness of my biological makeup and how I can improve on it on the molecular level – targeting my cells and their needs to stay healthy and alive.

Dr Pines is like a personal trainer for the inside of my body!

All can benefit from working Dr Pines – hers is a personalized service, specific to you. She is your personal trainer, on a cellular level!

You want to work with Dr Pines because she is a PhD who works at the highest level to understand your body’s needs, your genetic makeup, and everything that can help make you feel and live better.

Some of the results I’ve seen since working with her for 3 months: my gut health and bowel movements were way better, my sleep – which I always struggled with – is incredible, I have WAY more energy (maybe too much!) and I’m not as hungry as I used to be, so I eat less and I eat foods I  now know are best for my body.

Thank you Dr Pines!!

Wayne Katz

Entrepreneur, Athlete. Whistler, BC, Canada

Dr. Mary Pines is a rare breed of practitioner that combines her extensive knowledge of nutrition, biohacking, fitness and spirituality with kindness, empathy and a sincere desire to help you where you're at.

Allopathic medicine cannot heal you...Naturopaths are not multidisciplinary enough.  Mary's approach is thorough, comprehensive, detail-oriented and I trust her completely to help me optimize my health.

Amrita Singh

Entrepreneur, Mother

Mary walked me through exactly what was going on in my body, helped me understand where I was going wrong and what I needed to do. She offered alternative suggestions when I pushed back on some of my more stubborn habits. (Baby steps, right?) I saw amazing results almost immediately and now, months after we stopped working together, I continue to feel better and better each week. I’m nothing short of amazed!

No doctor had ever taken the time to listen to me carefully. I felt heard, supported and empowered. Mary held really skillful, compassionate space for me to open up and share with (unusual) ease and comfort. I don’t go there easily. I only wish I had known about Mary earlier.

I highly recommend working with Mary - she taught me SO many seemingly essential health practices that aren’t common knowledge and I fel so much better!

Marielle F.

Business coach, Mother. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Experience the refreshing, transformative, empowering approach you’ve been waiting for.