Sustainable weight loss & freedom from hormonal symptoms

Achieve your goal weight and optimize your hormones with this personalized 12-week program.
You’ll lose the tummy and gain with ‘tools for life’ that empower you in your health long-term, so you can KEEP your results through your 40s and well beyond

Are you a 40-something woman who is unable to keep weight off despite trying EVERYTHING?

Are you also struggling with ANY of the following: poor sleep, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, hot flashes, lack of focus, dryness or moodiness?

You’re not alone…

I see you, I understand the problem and I can help.

As a 43-year-old woman who has lived it herself and taught hundreds of women overcome the struggles most 40-something women face, I know what works and what doesn’t. 

And, as a PhD in Biomedical Sciences, I have a different perspective than most…

It’s more effective, efficient and sustainable than standard approaches (like dieting and intense fitness plans) - that stuff does NOT work for midlife women.

I’ve distilled my expertise and my most effective, sustainable tips and tricks into a simple 4-step formula…

Introducing The Beyond Beyond 40 Formula:

  • Natural, science-backed solutions to the struggles MOST 40-something women face

  • 12-weeks of self-paced, outside-the-box online content

  • ALL the tools, support & accountability you need to achieve your goals

  • OUTCOMES: Look & feel your best for years to come, LOVE the body you live in, secure your long-term vitality

Your doctor doesn’t know how to support you - they don’t teach this stuff in med schools or in online courses:

This is definitely NOT the generic advice you see from influencers on Instagram or so-called “experts” online.

This is based on almost 10 years of real, scientific research and experience with clients.

There are a lot of voices out there, but even the ones who get it right usually focus on just 1 part of the story…

Women get frustrated with this advice because it’s not quite simple as “do this one thing / take this pill / eat this diet…”

The formula has 4 easy steps,

And they don’t require that you sacrifice all the good stuff you love (like wine, chocolate and chillin’ on the couch).

I want to share it with you so you can achieve the kinds of incredible results my clients enjoy.


Watch the video linked below to learn about the program and what you can expect.

Towards the end of the video, a link will appear to book a free 40 minute Discovery Call that will guide you in your next steps.

Why is this program so successful?

Most doctors and health experts don’t know how to help us midlife women, and the truth is, we are suffering needlessly.


MOST of the health (and weight loss) advice you hear is designed for men…

It doesn’t work for women - it even harms our health and makes us gain more weight!

The Better Beyond 40 Formula is a fresh approach designed for our female physiology and it delivers incredible RESULTS:

Weight loss, more energy, better sleep, steadier moods, healthier skin/hair/nails, improved metabolism, hormone balance and more…

All towards a happier, healthier life and your longevity.

In this program, I eliminate the overwhelm and confusion women feel around how to best care for their bodies and lose weight, especially in this (unnecessarily) tricky phase of life.

Start your hormone balance and weight loss journey today.

The Better Beyond 40 Formula is an acclaimed approach that helps women achieve metabolic and hormone balance so they can alleviate their symptoms and weight loss for life.

It’s based on robust science, years of experience, and is foundational in my practice with women.

My clients enjoy huge successes in optimizing their long-term metabolic health and alleviating the hormonal symptoms most of us suffer as we transition towards our 50s, including stubborn weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, dryness, mood swings and more.

The secret? It addresses the root causes of imbalances in your body, which cause stress and weight gain.

My experience as a clinical practitioner, scientist and health consultant has taught me that sustainable weight loss is the number 1 goal of 40-something women….

AND, it’s absolutely NOT about a calories-in, calories-out approach, restrictive diets, intense exercise, pills or endless shakes.

We need to address the underlying imbalances and inflammation so we can improve our overall health.

This means supporting the gut, liver, thyroid, sex hormones and adrenals through proper sleep, nutrition, movement, detoxification and easy but impactful lifestyle adjustments.

This is exactly my clients master through 12 weeks in The Beyond Beyond 40 Formula Program.

The Beyond Beyond 40 Formula is right for you if...

  • You can’t lose weight despite doing “all the right things”

  • You’re confused about how to navigate symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, dryness, brain fog, anxiety, low libido, hot flashes or lack of focus.

  • You’ve gained 10lbs+ of stubborn body fat in recent years and want to get rid of it forever

  • You have been on diets for years, and want to strengthen your metabolism, feel satiated and start seeing results

  • You feel metabolically “stuck”, with uncontrollable cravings, hunger and no willpower

  • You want to increase your energy

  • You struggle with inflammation, aches and pains

  • You are insulin resistant

  • You’re willing to invest time and money in your health

  • You want a sustainable solution that allows you to be your healthiest weight and live your best life, without a boatload of restrictions

About the Program

This 12-week program offers an integrated approach that is based on group lessons and one-on-one support, alongside a nutrition & lifestyle plan tailored to your needs.

Your plan integrates:

  • Personal health history

  • Any medical conditions 

  • Any medications you are currently taking

  • Your goals

  • Your lifestyle restrictions & preferences

  • Personal blood work review & recommendations (testing not included)

  • Accountability & habit formation training

  • Regular check-ins

  • Anytime online support

  • Check-in calls at key points through the program

  • Customized supplements (if necessary) based on your blood work, goals and lifestyle, delivered to your door at below market prices.

  • Optional VIP add-on for deeper personalization & support:
    Genetic testing to determine your optimal nutritional needs, prevention & longevity tactics, and a variety of lifestyle recommendations. Includes recipes and meal plan ideas, and helps inform us as to your best strategies when it comes to managing your hormones and metabolism. Includes a 60 minute debrief of your data and prioritization of your most impactful takeaways and how to implement them.

With this information, we set you up with a more personalized plan that is tailored to your body’s unique needs.

The bloodwork and optional genetic testing give me insights into your biochemistry, which helps me understand where you’re at and how to get you where you want to be.

My clients see improvement in hormonal and metabolic symptoms, including energy, vitality, mood and sleep, and reduced aches and pains, headaches, blood sugar imbalances, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, PMS, PCOS, infertility, liver health, gut health, adrenal health, thyroid health and other benefits. 

How does it work?

I show you how to leverage the power of natural, science-based methods to balance hormones, optimize blood sugar, cholesterol and other lab values, support deficiencies, reduce inflammation and deliver the right nutrients…

As a result, you can experience weight loss, improved energy, better sleep, mood, skin/hair/nails and much more.

Bonus: everything we do together will help to mitigate your risks for the most common diseases women faces as we age: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis and more.

​​Expect NO deprivation and no crazy intense exercise regimens!

You eat delicious, nutritious foods, and align with your body’s rhythms and hormonal needs in order to balance your metabolism, hormones, drop fat and nourish yourself.

[I recommend working closely with your doctor, and monitoring your improvement if you have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or in any case when your medication may need adjustment. My clients have gotten off their medications and reversed conditions such as type 2 diabetes, PCOS, PMS, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and fatty liver.]

Want to know more or book a Discovery Call?

Watch this free video and towards the end, click the link to book a call.

I look foward to speaking with you!

The Backstory: Women are hugely underserved in healthcare

…ESPECIALLY once we reach our 40s and beyond.

Most nutrition, exercise, weight loss and medical research is done on MEN. Very little has been done on women because our hormone cycles “complicate” the data. (As a scientist myself, I heard this infuriating statement first-hand for years!)

This means women are eating, training and fasting the wrong way for health and weight management!

Women are suffering unnecessarily because we are following guidelines based on male physiology.

As a result, our minds and bodies are stressed, we hold extra weight and we’re not reaching our full potential.

Most nutrition, training and health programs do not account for female hormones, and it ruins our health.

I learned this the hard way.

In 2015, I was 33 years old and my health hit rock bottom. I’m talking terrible sleep, no periods, and a deep, lasting fatigue that forced me to put my entire life on hold.

Everywhere I turned, the health advice I got was either geared towards men or in the form of a pill. I learned just how different we are the hard way by trying to force myself to adopt wellness advice that got me zero results as a woman.

So I set out a mission to heal, and was shocked to realise just how misguided the standard narrative actually is when it comes to women’s health and hormones.

Once I saved my own health, it lit a fire inside me to help other women achieve the same, and to advocate for changing the paradigm around women’s health.

Do you want guidance and health protocols built for YOUR incredible female body and hormones? Check out the video above and book your free Discovery Call.