Feeling edgy? It could just be September.
John Douillard, DC
Check out this great little seasonal guide to what our bodies are designed for doing and eating in September.
It was authored by the brilliant Dr. John Douillard, Founder of Colorado’s Ayurvedically-informed Clinic, LifeSpa, “where ancient wisdom meets modern science.”
There are some fun tidbits in there that explain certain drives we have around this time of year.
For example, it's mating season for mammals with long gestation periods (like humans!). (Babies born 9 months from now, in the Spring, will have summer to begin their lives in the gentler climate of summer, when mama has access to more abundant foods and needs less sleep. )
Dr Douillard points out that the drive to mate, along with the fruity, sugary bounty of the late summer harvest, means that:
“In these end of summer days, blood sugar, insulin levels, and cortisol (stress hormones) are surging as animals prepare to figth for the right to reproduce.
“Sex hormones also surge, boosting serotonin, which pumps, amps and sensitizes animals, readying them for mating rituals.”
(No wonder undergrads can get a little extra squirrelly at the start of the school year!)
Yes please, more of these little guys!
If you’re feeling a little more anxious or “hormonal” than unusual, this might be a factor.
I know I feel it: right now, I am feeling EXTRA driven to accomplish alllllll the things.
I have to remind myself not to push too hard, to enjoy the last of the summer sun and enjoy the garden (while helping friends process tons of apples, plums, kale, beans, squash, tomatoes…) Ahhh, it will all get done in time for us to slow down and enjoy lounging by winter fires. :)