Your health can drive your success.

“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.”

Joseph Pilates

With a dizzying array of books, courses, coaching programs and strategies for us to choose from in the arena of cultivating personal growth and success, there are some stand-out reasons why improving your health should be at the top of the list, many experts. Being in great health can hugely improve ALL aspects of your life - from your overall happiness and confidence, to your productivity, finances, consciousness, interpersonal relationships, energy, growth mindset, cognitive performance and more. A healthy body underscores a healthy mind.

Here’s why:

  • You have control. While you may not be able to control all the injuries or illnesses that you may encounter, you do have the ability to make healthy or unhealthy choices many times every day. Knowing you’ve taken charge is empowering, and seeing the results is hugely motivating. For instance:

  • You can test and measure variables. Just about any aspect of your health can be measured nowadays. With a small investment, you can figure out what health-related problem areas you have and then work to correct them.

  • It’s very easy to measure progress. If you can measure the variables, you can also measure progress. There are all sorts of areas in which you might want to progress (lower cholesterol, bench press weight, sleep quality, etc), and being able to measure them allows you to see if what you are doing is working and correct course. You can even make it into a game for yourself! Satisfying and empowering!

  • Small changes can (often) snowball and have a big impact. A single, simple habit change can have wide-reaching, unexpected effects in your life, and help you live longer.

  • Paying attention to your health makes you more conscious in other areas. For example, in order to eat a more nutritious diet, you would be well served to cook your own meals instead of going out to eat. You will end up saving a lot of money this way, and you will become more independent as your cooking skills improve.

  • Making healthy choices regularly builds self-improvement momentum. Generally, when we take care of our health, the rest takes care of itself.

  • The long game. Your health is a solid long-term investment that you can be sure will benefit you greatly in the future.


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