“How many calories should I eat?” 🙅‍♀️
Dr Mary Pines, PhD Dr Mary Pines, PhD

“How many calories should I eat?” 🙅‍♀️

I hope this provides you with a little framework for thinking about your caloric needs and how you might tweak your intake according to your NEAT, the amount of muscle on your body and your workout intensity the day (or 2) before.

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The best nutrient for heart health ❤️
Dr Mary Pines, PhD Dr Mary Pines, PhD

The best nutrient for heart health ❤️

Cardiovascular disease is the number 1 killer of women in North America - well above cancer.

But there's good news here...

We can use preventative, lifestyle-based measures to help protect ourselves from it. (AKA - avoid statins!)

So, any time there's solid new science to support this, I listen up…and share with you, dear reader! So let’s go…

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The best “diet” (based on actual SCIENCE!)
Dr Mary Pines, PhD Dr Mary Pines, PhD

The best “diet” (based on actual SCIENCE!)

The fundamental assumption underlying the ‘diet wars’, and most nutrition research, is that there is one specific, perfect diet that works for every single person…

This is absolutely incorrect. 🚫

How you manipulate your diet should depend on your metabolism, goals, and what you can stick to.

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